Venessa Bornost

Other Possible Factors Involved in a DUI

I am always asked how does one figure out whether they are too intoxicated to drive? My answer has always been the same whether it was when I was in law enforcement, or as a prosecutor or now as a defense attorney, don’t take a chance, don’t drink and drive! Take a cab, Uber or Lyft, or use a designated driver or public transportation. There are just too many ways to safely get out and about when one is drinking which does not involve you drinking and then getting behind the wheel of an automobile.
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Venessa Bornost

Violation of Probation: What Now?

This blog will discuss what happens when you find yourself on probation for a crime you have committed and you have been either arrested on a warrant for a probation violation or have received notice to appear in court for a probation violation.
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Venessa Bornost

Career Criminal and Sentencing

You may have heard the term “repeat felony offender” however most people may not know exactly what the term means or how that specific classification can have a significant effect on sentencing.
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Venessa Bornost

What Is Spice or Synthetic Marijuana?

For the past few years, a new drug has taken root in our communities. It is cheaper than marijuana and has at times been sold in the corner store. It is called SPICE or synthetic marijuana.
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Venessa Bornost

Pleading Guilty Versus Pleading No Contest

Most criminal cases never go to trial. The vast majority of them are pled out, which means the state prosecutor offers something, say probation over a jail sentence or a lesser charge in exchange for the defendant to plea to the charge.
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